Jackie was born in Northhampton, the heart of the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts. Her fond memories of growing up in this community include her friends knocking on her door to ask, "Can you come out and play?"
Jackie was a Brownie, a Girl Scout, and a member of the 4-H Club. She took piano lessons and saxophone lessons and tap dancing lessons. Always an avid equestrienne, Jackie competed all over the northeastern United States as a teen, and continues this passion today as she practices dressage.
Jackie attended Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts earning a degree in US History. She then attended the University of Pennsylvania where she received a Master of Science in Counseling from their School of Education.
Shortly after graduation, Jackie was married and had two children who are now grown and have children of their own. Jackie is the proud grandmother of three. While her children were growing up, Jackie and her family lived in Ohio, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Thailand. She has traveled extensively including to Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Tibet, France, and Italy.
"Life today is a big adventure and I am trying to enjoy as many of its possibilities as I can. I am trying on new hats that I've never worn before. It's the reason I decided to write Bananas!—her first book—I have a computer full of stories I've written and the process has been energizing."
Jackie currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, where she continues to write, paint, and garden.
Read Q & A #1 with Jacqueline Farmer.
Read Q & A #2 with Jacqueline Farmer.
Books by Jacqueline Farmer