Jason Sommer is author of five poetry collections, most recently Portulans in the University of Chicago’s Phoenix Poets Series. Poems from his first collection, Lifting the Stone, have been broadcast on the BBC World Service. Sommer has been recognized with an Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award for poems about the Jewish experience and read from his work at the National Holocaust Memorial Museum’s program, “Speech and Silence: Poetry and the Holocaust.” A former Stanford University Stegner Fellow, he has held a Whiting Foundation Writers’ Fellowship, fellowships from the Bread Loaf and Sewanee writer’s conferences as well as a residency with the YMCA’s National Writer’s Voice project. He has published translations of Irish language poems and, with Hongling Zhang, collaborative book-length translations of Chinese fiction: Wang in Love and Bondage: Three Novellas by Wang Xiaobo and The Bathing Women by Tie Ning, which was long-listed for the Man Asian Prize. Jason lives in St. Louis, Missouri.
Books by Jason Sommer