Doug Wechsler takes his inspiration from the jungles, swamps and seashores of the world as well as from his own backyard. By showing the wonders of nature and its humorous side he hopes to motivate his readers to deepen their interest in their natural surroundings.
He currently freelances as an author, and photographer working on stories about nature. He also teaches ornithology (to homeschoolers) and close-up photography. Recently he worked as a host at bird reserves in southern Ecuador.
Doug ran the world's most comprehensive collection of bird photographs at the Academy of Natural Sciences for 28 years. His work as a photographer has taken him on expeditions to Borneo, Ecuador, Cuba, Panama, Cameroon, Alaska, and the Philippines.
He is the author of 23 books including The Hidden Life of a Toad (2017), Marvels in the Muck: Life in the Salt Marshes and Frog Heaven: Life in a Vernal Pool.
Visit Doug online.
Books by Doug Wechsler